The start of the year is a great time for a financial check-up. In addition to reflecting back on the prior year, you may be particularly motivated to consider making financial resolutions for the future.
To help you clear up various factors influencing your planning, we’ve put together this checklist: What Issues Should I Consider At The Start Of The Year?
Using our financial planning checklist, you will be able to:
Look at your progress toward your goals and consider any new goals you’ve set for yourself,
Evaluate your insurance coverages to make sure your risks are minimized,
Revisit your assets and debt and evaluate whether your risk tolerance continues to be appropriate.
In addition to the ideas above, our checklist covers the following fundamental considerations:
Personal issues,
Cash flow issues,
Asset and debt issues,
Tax issues,
Insurance issues, and
Legal issues
If the checklist we’ve included has helped you identify topics you should plan for, please don't hesitate to contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further. We welcome the opportunity to have this conversation with you!